This is the day to worship the god of wine; no one dares to slight it, even the best wine maker can not ensure he can brew the best wine every year due to the capricious weather, wind, air and fungi. 今天是请酒神的日子,没有人怠慢。即便是最好的酿酒师傅,也无法保证年年都能酿出好酒,因为有捉摸不定的天、风、空气,还有菌。
Problems have followed the Sydney-based Treasury Wine Estates since it was spun off from global beverage maker Foster's Group Ltd. two years ago. 自两年前从全球饮料生产商Foster'sGroupLtd.分拆出来以来,各种问题一直困扰着悉尼的TreasuryWineEstates。
The first does not require a wine to have a maker. 前者并不要求一种果酒一定要有一个制造商。
He worked for one year at Kenwood Vineyards, then became a Wine Maker's assistant at Stellenbosch Farmer's Winery in South Africa. 他早先在肯伍德酒庄工作过一年,后在南非的一家知名酒庄担任酿酒师助理。
Its woody matured grape aspects are the symbols of the wine maker's know how. 它成熟的橡木香气是酿酒者的标志之一。
It not only raises the value of rice, but also provides a new pure natural drink with special flavour of rice wine for maker. 不但可提高大米的增值幅度,而且可向市场提供一种具有米酒独特风味的新型纯天然饮料。
When selecting a wine it is very important to know the wine maker. 了解酿酒师是何许人也,在挑选葡萄酒时也是相当重要的考虑因素。
The same type of wine, the same grape from the same region may differ vastly depending on the wine maker. 所以,同样型态的葡萄酒,相同的品种,同样的产区都会因为酿酒师的不同而有天壤之别的表现。
Wine Maker Steve Rued was born in Healdsburg, California and raised on his family's vineyard in the Dry Creek Valley. 酿酒师史帝文出生于加州的赫德伯格地区,成长在家族的酒庄内。
This is the first time the prize has been won by a wine maker. 这个奖项也是首次由葡萄酒酿造商获得。